Ontario Archaeology 
OA35, 1981

Janus and Other Multiple-Image Iroquoian Pipes
Volume: OA35
Year: 1981
Author: MATHEWS, Z. P.
Page Range: 3 - 22
Abstract: An analysis of five types of multiple-image Iroquoian smoking pipes, including the 'Janus' types, indicates that all are related conceptually. The distributional data reveals that these pipes appear from the 12th through the 17th centuries and are found in small numbers in the territory of all northern Iroquoian groups. It is suggested that these pipes could have been the property of religious specialists.

Northern Iroquoian Maize Remains
Volume: OA35
Year: 1981
Author: SYKES, C. M.
Page Range: 23 - 33
Abstract: Results of the analysis of maize remains from three archaeological sites in southern Ontario provide the first detailed description of late-period Indian maize in the province. This data and the scant earlier evidence is considered in light of its importance to the introduction, character and development of maize cultivation in Ontario.

Rich Man, Poor Man, Dead Man, Thief: The Dispersal of Wealth in 17th Century Huron Society
Volume: OA35
Year: 1981
Author: RAMSDEN, P. G.
Page Range: 35 - 40Abstract: In 17th century Huron society, the distribution of material items associated with the fur trade (beaver pelts, wampum and European metal goods) was a prominent feature of certain ritualised activities, including burial, gambling, dream fulfillment and crime payment. This paper suggests that these activities became elaborated during the historic period because they were capable of redistributing or eliminating new forms and quantities of wealth which would otherwise have had a socially disruptive effect.

A Radiocarbon Date on a Midewiwin Scroll from Burntside Lake, Ontario
Volume: OA35
Year: 1981
Author: KIDD, K. E.
Page Range: 41 - 43
Abstract: Contrary to the earlier view that the Midewiwin Society among the central Algonkians postdates European contact, a radiocarbon date on a Midewiwin birchbark scroll suggests that this phenomenon may in fact date from the precontact period.

The Glenn Site: An Historic Cheveux Relevés Campsite on Flowerpot Island, Georgian Bay, Ontario
Volume: OA35
Year: 1981
Author: WRIGHT, J. V.
Page Range: 45 - 59
Abstract: The Glen site is an early historic Cheveux Relevés (Algonquian) fall fishing campsite. Although sharing the same ceramic tradition with adjacent Iroquoain groups, there are good quantitative and qualitative bases for distinguishing this and other Algonquian sites from contemporaneous Iroquoian components.

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