Upcoming Field Schools

Boyd Archaeological Field School, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority

Dates: August 5-21, 2022

Location: Claremont Nature Centre, Pickering, Ontario

Type of site/field school: 14th century Indigenous site

Length of field school: 2 weeks, 2 days

Type of site: The Sebastien site, 14th century ancestral Wendat site

Outside students accepted: Yes

Website: https://trca.ca/conservation/archaeology/boydfieldschool/

Contact info:  Alex Payne, alex.payne@trca.ca

Brock University

Dates: July 11-12, 2022

Location: Shickluna Shipyard, St. Catherine’s, Ontario

Type of site/field school: 19th century Historic Great Lakes Shipyard

Length of field school: 5 Weeks, Monday-Friday, 9-5pm

Outside students accepted: Yes

Website: brocku.ca/humanities/history/programs/archaeology-fieldschool

Contact info:  history@brocku.ca

Trent University, 2020 Field School

Dates: 15 August to 2 September 2022 excavation period; September to December, 2022 for laboratory period

Location: Oshawa, Ontario

Type of site/field school: Blended Course

Length of field school: 3 weeks field work followed by a 3-hour laboratory class once a week during the Fall September/December term

Type of site: 19th century homestead

Outside students accepted: Yes

Website: https://www.trentu.ca/anthropology/experience/ontario-archaeology-field-school

Contact Info: Dr. Helen R. Haines, helenhaines@trentu.ca

McMaster University, Nursery Site (AhGx-8), 2020 Field School

Location:  Nursery (AhGx-8), Cootes Paradise, Royal Botanical Gardens, Hamilton, Ontario

Type of site/field school: Multicomponent site to be investigated by test pit and test unit excavations

Length of field school: 6 weeks

Type of site: Ontario Iroquoian hamlet(s), Mississauga camp or basecamp

Outside students accepted: Yes
Website: https://anthropology.mcmaster.ca/field-schools

Contact Info: Cristine Cluney, Instructional Assistant, cluneyc@mcmaster.ca

University of Toronto, Mississauga, Archaeological Fieldwork at UTM

Dates: August 15-26, 2022 and weekly four-hour laboratory classes in fall term

Location: UTM campus, Mississauga, Ontario

Type of site/field school: Site on or near the UTM campus

Length of field school: two weeks (80 hours) of field instruction, usually during the last two weeks of August. plus four hour Fall Laboratory classes

Type of site: Historic

If outside students are accepted: No

Website: https://www.utm.utoronto.ca/anthropology/field-schools/archaeological-fieldwork-utm-ant318h5f

Contact info: secretary.utmanthro@utoronto.ca.

Application Due Date: April 1st, 2022

Contact us
Address: 1444 Queen Street East, Suite 102, Toronto, ON M4L 1E1

Phone: +1 (416) 406-5959

Email: info@ontarioarchaeology.org
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1444 Queen St. E., Suite 102, Toronto ON M4L 1E1 
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