OAS 2020 Logo Contest

Winner: Steve Smith
Winning Entry:

The 2020 OAS Symposium Organizing Committee thanks all the people who submitted creative, thoughtful, and dynamic entries in our logo contest. We congratulate Steve Smith for his winning entry. 

He says the following about the logo: 

The logo reflects the wealth of history Ontario offers, using a dynamic design,  capturing movement and vivacity -  the digital media world meets the physical world and tangible mediums.  

Using the identity of the symposium, developing the already existing branding, never forgetting the heritage and the essence of the progressive journey that is being taken.

The branding is consistent with the new essence of lively modernity, and all of its online formats, digital media and interaction.  Its strong appearance will be easily recognised and remembered, both at the symposium and within the wider digital media platforms, accessing a wider audience and database.

Contact us
Address: 1444 Queen Street East, Suite 102, Toronto, ON M4L 1E1

Phone: +1 (416) 406-5959

Email: info@ontarioarchaeology.org
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The Ontario Archaeological Society is a registered charitable organization that promotes the ethical practice of archaeology. The general public, students and professional alike are encouraged to become members of the Society and to support its co-ordinating role in helping to record and preserve our non-renewable cultural heritage. Click here to view membership details.

 © The Ontario Archaeology Society
1444 Queen St. E., Suite 102, Toronto ON M4L 1E1 
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