
The following reading list is taken from 1996 Kewa Newsletter a publication of The Ontario Archaeological Society, London Chapter.

Reading List

Boyle, D.
Annual Report of the Canadian Institute, 1886-1887, 1888.
- Warwick and Sons: Toronto.

Burgar, R.W.C.
The Archaeological Resource Management Program of the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority: 1992 Field Season, 1993.
- Annual Archaeological Report, Ontario (New Series) 4:58-62 - The Authority: Toronto.

Burns, James A.
Faunal Analysis of the Cayuga Bridge Site (AfGx-1) In The Princess Point Complex by David Marvyn Stothers, 1972.
- Archaeological Survey of Canada Paper #58, p. 300-306.

Chapman, L.J., Putnam, D.F.
The Physiography of Southern Ontario, Third Edition, 1984.
- Ontario Geological Survey Special V. #2.

Cooper, M.
Archaeology of the Frontier: Recent Research in the Fort Erie-Port Colborne Area, 1985. [Paper]
- Ontario Archaeological Society : London.

Dodd, C.F.
Ontario Iroquois Tradition Longhouses, 1984.
(Mercury Series #124 p. 181-437) - National Museum of Man: Ottawa.

The Haley's Pond Site: An Historic Neutral Cabin Site, Brant County, Ontario, 1995.
- London Museum of Archaeology, Research Report #24 - The Museum: London, ON.

Ellis, C.J., Kenyon, I.T., Spence, M.W.
The Archaic.
- In The Archaeology of Southern Ontario to A.D. 1650, 1990 pp. 65-124

Ellis, C.J., Fisher, J.A., Deller, D.B.
Four Meadowood Phase Lithic Artifact Assemblages from Caradoc and Delaware Townships, Southwestern Ontario.
- Kewa 88-8.

Emerson, Norman J.
Understanding Iroquois pottery in Ontario: A Rethinking, 1968.
- O.A.S. #3: Toronto.

Ferris, Neal
The Milton Heights (Gaetan) Historic Neutral Cemetery Excavations 9AjGx-44) Artifact Analysis, 1987.
- MCCR:Toronto, ON.

Ferris, Neal, Crundwell, David
Kewa 88-6.

Finlayson, W., Brown, M., Turton, C.
"A Sedimental Journey": Twenty Years of Archaeological Research in the Crawford Lake Area, 1989.
- The Palisade Post, 10(4), p. 1-8; Museum of Archaeology: London, ON.

Fitting, James E.
Late Woodland cultures of Southeastern Michigan.
- Anthropological Papers #24), 1965.; Michigan University: Michigan.

Fox, William A.
Kewa 80-6
Kewa 80-2 Nettling Points

Funk, R.E.
Recent Contributions to Hudson Valley Prehistory, 1976.
- New York State Museum, Memoir 22. -U. of the State of New York: Albany, New York.

Granger, J.E. jr.
Meadowood Phase Settlement Pattern in the Niagara Frontier Region of Western New York State, 1978.
- Anthropological Papers, Museum of Anthropology, No. 65. - U. of Michigan: Ann Arbor: Michigan.

Jamieson, Susan M.
The Slack-Caswell quarry and workshops (AfHa-1): Some organizational implications (manuscript), 1979.
- Ontario Heritage Foundation: Toronto.

Justice, N.D.
Stone Age Spear and Arrow Points of the Midcontinental and Eastern United States, 1987.
- Indiana University Press: Bloomington.

Kenyon, Ian, Ferris, Neal, Hagerty, Wayne
Kewa 88-5.

Kidd, Kenneth E. A
Woodland site near Chatham, Ontario. (Royal Canadian Institute Transactions), 1954.

Last, J.H.
Archaeological site record form and field notes (manuscript): Trent University Expedition, October 1970.
- Anthropology Department, Trent University: Peterborough.

Lennox, Paul A.
The Bruner-Colasanti site: An early late Woodland component, Essex County, Ontario (Mercury Series), 1982.
- National Museum of Man: Ottawa.

The Innes Site: A Plow-Disturbed Archaic Component, Brant County, Ontario.
- Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology V. 11, #2, p. 221-268., 1986.

MacNeish, Richard S.
Iroquois pottery types: A Technique for the study of Iroquois prehistory.
- National Museum of Canada Bulletin, 1952.; National Museum of Canada: Ottawa.

Noble, William C.
Van Besien (AfHd-2):A Study in Glen Meyer Development
- Ontario Archaeology, 1975.; O.A.S. : Toronto.

Ritchie, W.A.
A Typology and Nomenclature for New York Projectile Points, New York State Museum and Science Service, Bulletin #384, 1961.
- U. State of New York: Albany, New York.

Timmins, P.A.
The Billiard Site (AhHa-76)
- Kewa 92-1.

The Little Shaver Site: Exploring Site Structure and Excavation Methodology on an Archaic Site in the Region of Hamilton-Wentworth, Ontario.
- [Report on file], 1993.; M.T.O. Southwest Region: London, ON.

Life on "The Plank": Archaeology on the Hamilton to Port Dover Plank Road Highway 6, Port Dover to Jarvis.
- [Report on file], 1994.; M.T.O. South Region: London, ON.

An Archaeological Assessment of the Puslinch Pit and Excavations on the Wimmer Site (AiHb-110), Wellington County, Ontario.
- [Report on file]; M.T.O. Southwest Region: London, ON.

Wright, J.V.
The Ontario Iroquois tradition
- National Museum of Canada Bulletin), 1966.; National Museum of Canada: Ottawa.

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