Eligibility to join one or more of the Society's Chapters in the Grand River, Hamilton, Huronia, London, Ottawa, Peterborough, Thunder Bay, Toronto, Waterloo, or Windsor
Attendance at local lectures and meetings
Participation in workshops, courses, seminars
Information on excavations and volunteer opportunities
Participation in working committees and stakeholder consultations at the provincial and chapter levels.
Opportunities to participate in OAS-sponsored or supported field and lab projects
Eligibility to present at the Society's annual symposium
Attendance at the Society's annual symposium, business meeting and banquet
Eligibility for awards or other forms of recognition (and the opportunity to endow and/or create such awards)
Subscription to Arch Notes, our bi-monthly newsletter and your window on the current Ontario archaeology scene.
You can subscribe to Ontario Archaeology, our refereed journal detailing the latest discoveries and issues related to archaeological practice.
Purchase of specialist items such as buttons, badges, T-shirts, posters.
The Ontario Archaeological Society offers several types of benefits for members that are available on the website. The benefits include:
Publications: This includes our peer-reviewed journal,Ontario Archaeology, and our newsletter,Arch Notesand more! Articles and news about archaeology in Ontario are compiled for members to enjoy. If you would like to know what is happening with the OAS and the discipline in general, be sure to periodically check back for updates.
Awards: The OAS is proud to acknowledge members who play an important role in the life of the society and their care in managing Ontario’s archaeological heritage. This page consists of a list of awards and past winners.
Merchandise: The organization offers great products to show your love for archaeology! Some items include buttons, pens, tote bags, mugs and scholarly material such as field manuals, research guides, and Ontario Archaeology. They are available to buy online or at OAS-related events.
Members-Only: This page is available to members only. Special perks include early access to the latest issue of Arch Notes, a private member gallery and forum, member networking and contact privileges, and more!
OAS Gallery: Everyone is welcome to add photos that relate to archaeology—share photos of artifacts or a site you have visited. Be creative and promote archaeology to people who are interested!
Contact us
Address: 1444 Queen Street East, Suite 102, Toronto, ON M4L 1E1
The Ontario Archaeological Society is a registered charitable organization that promotes the ethical practice of archaeology. The general public, students and professional alike are encouraged to become members of the Society and to support its co-ordinating role in helping to record and preserve our non-renewable cultural heritage. Click here to view membership details.