Do you have a question about an artifact?
Please note: The OAS supports laws protecting archaeological sites and artifacts, and we oppose the sale of artifacts. The Ontario Heritage Act states that no person shall knowingly alter an archaeological site without a license. If you have found an artifact we strongly encourage you to leave it in place and to take a photograph of it.
We would be happy to assist with the identification of material from such photographs.
Please send queries to
Contact usAddress: P.O. Box 62066, Victoria Terrace | Toronto, M4A 2W1Phone: +1 (416) 406-5959 Email: | Join usThe Ontario Archaeological Society is a registered charitable organization that promotes the ethical practice of archaeology. The general public, students and professional alike are encouraged to become members of the Society and to support its co-ordinating role in helping to record and preserve our non-renewable cultural heritage. Click here to view membership details. |