2020 OAS Online Symposium

  • November 02, 2020
  • 7:30 PM
  • November 08, 2020
  • 4:30 PM
  • Online (Zoom)


  • Online symposium is free to attend.
    Consider donating to the OAS!
  • Note: Charitable tax receipts will be issued separately for payment of $30 or more, in the amount of the eligible donation portion.
  • Note: Charitable tax receipts will be issued separately for payment of $30 or more, in the amount of the eligible donation portion.
  • Note: Charitable tax receipts will be issued separately for payment of $30 or more, in the amount of the eligible donation portion.

Registration is closed

The OAS Annual Symposium goes online November 2-8. Join us on Zoom for a series of workshops, panel discussions, sessions throughout the week. An awards ceremony and the Annual Business Meeting (ABM) will also be held online.

Please note: You must be registered to receive the links to these digital events! Registration provides access to all events, including workshops. You can register anytime before or during the symposium. 

There is no charge for attending the conference, however we encourage participants to pay what you can to help offset the costs of hosting the conference online.

Note: Charitable tax receipts will be issued separately for payments of $30 or more, in the amount of the eligible donation portion.