Grand River Chapter - Bioarchaeological Investigations of Life and Death in Rural Roman Italy (1st – 4th c. AD)

  • March 10, 2020
  • 7:30 PM
  • PAS 1229 University of Waterloo

Speaker: Prof. Tracy Prowse (McMaster)

Topic: Bioarchaeological Investigations of Life and Death in Rural Roman Italy (1st – 4th c. AD)

Excavations at the site of Vagnari in southern Italy have revealed a Roman Imperial estate and necropolis (1st - 4th c. AD). While much is known about urban Roman life, less is known about the lives of rural working-class communities in the Roman world. This presentation will discuss the bioarchaeological investigations of skeletons recovered from the Vagnari necropolis in order to understand diet, health, and the potential risks associated with lead exposure on this Imperial estate.