Peterborough Chapter - Sharing Stories about Archaeology

  • January 28, 2020
  • 7:00 PM
  • Gzowski College, Trent U. Rm. 106

Sharing Stories About Archaeology

The Peterborough Chapter of the Ontario Archaeological Society will hold an informal story-telling session at its January meeting, Tuesday January 28th. Members and friends are invited to tell a short story about something related to archaeology. Themes could be “How I Spent My Summer Vacation”, “My Favourite Artifact”, Why I Hate Poison Ivy”, and so on.

Winter is a traditional time for storytelling among our Anishinaabe friends and neighbours. Let’s honour that tradition with a get-together. Anyone wishing to share a story may bring along one or two visual aids – a slide, map, book or artifact – to illustrate the talk. Each presentation should be no more than 3 minutes long. There will be small prizes for participating!

The meeting will take place at Trent University’s Gzowski College GSC Room 106 at 7 pm. Free admission. Light refreshments will be served.