Thunder Bay Chapter - All About Pottery

  • January 25, 2019
  • 7:00 PM
  • Lakehead University - BB 2002

Happy new year! It's all about pottery (woo hoo!) for our next Ontario Archaeological Society Thunder Bay Chapter meeting - this Friday, Jan. 25 at 7:00 pm in Braun Building room 2002. 

Bill Ross had a great idea to try something a bit different for our next OAS meeting - a discussion about Late Woodland Indigenous pottery and how it was made. We will screen a video, Rethinking Blackduck Pottery: Grant Goltz (about 50 mins.), about how this Minnesota archaeologist has perfected the steps in replicating Indigenous pottery through decades of practice. Then, we will follow up with a discussion about Blackduck ware and others with some of our resident pottery experts (Clarence Surette, Brad Hyslop, me, and other participants). In addition, we will share some of the replica artifacts that Grant donated to the Department of Anthropology at Lakehead University and of course real examples of pottery artifacts. 

Description of the video by Lakeland PBS: "Experimental archaeologist Grant Goltz shares his theory (developed with others), of how precontact Indigenous people of our area made multi-functional Blackduck pottery, with a group of First Nations Women from Winnipeg, Canada. While Goltz’s hands-on discoveries often don’t gain acceptance with established academia in the U.S., his experience and knowledge is greatly respected across the border by our neighbors to the North".

As usual, the meeting is free and open to everyone. Hope to see you there! 


1) Your Ontario Archaeological Society annual fees are now due and please sign up for our Thunder Bay chapter (a mere $5.00 on top of the main society fees). 

2) The annual Lake Superior Basin Workshop is going to be held in Duluth at UMD on March 15-16 this year. Details to follow.