Grand River Chapter - Invitations of an Archaeology of Global Colonialisms and Contested Heritage: Exploring the Bath House-Hotel in Nevis - Neal Ferris

  • January 08, 2019
  • 7:30 PM
  • PAS 1229 University of Waterloo

Speaker: Neal Ferris, Western University, Museum of Ontario Archaeology

Topic: Invitations of an Archaeology of Global Colonialisms and Contested Heritage: Exploring the Bath House-Hotel in Nevis

Working on the archaeology of British Colonialism invites thinking about the impact of British lifeways and sensibilities as these were exported from the UK metropole to its various colonial “peripheries” the world over: be it the Niagara Frontier at the end of the 18th century, or the British Caribbean at the end of the 18th century. And, being in the 21st century, exploring this archaeology also invites thinking about the contested heritage these colonial legacies invoke today. These invitations have been much on my mind over the last several years as I began to explore the archaeology and history of what is reputed to be the first tourism hotel built in the Caribbean on the Island of Nevis, and this talk will offer a very preliminary jumble of thoughts around what those invitations have illuminated.