Toronto Chapter - Canadians and the Early Years of the SAA

  • May 16, 2018
  • 7:30 PM
  • 19 Russell Street, Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto, St. George Campus, 2nd Floor Boardroom, Rm. 246

Speaker: Mima Brown Kapches

Topic: Canadians and the Early Years of the SAA: The Society for
American Archaeology (From 1934‐1941)

In December of 1934, the Society for American Archaeology (SAA) was founded. Although there were no Canadian charter members there was one Canadian researcher who was a member of the preparatory founding committee (Diamond Jenness, Dominion Museum, Ottawa). Soon after founding, Canadians from across the country did become members; who were these men (and yes, women!), and how do
they fit into the history of Canadian Archaeology? Come and hear this talk about a little known period of archaeological history.

We encourage all interested persons to attend Toronto Chapter meetings free of charge and invite you to become a member of the OAS and the Chapter. Bring a friend!

There will be a speaker, light refreshments, and time to socialize with other members.