Toronto Chapter - Curating Vikings: The Exhibition

  • February 21, 2018
  • 7:30 PM
  • 19 Russell Street, Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto, St. George Campus, 2nd Floor Boardroom, Rm. 246

Speaker: Dr. Craig Cipolla, Associate Curator of North American Archaeology, Royal Ontario Museum

Topic: Curating Vikings: The Exhibition

This talk explores the Royal Ontario Museum’s Vikings: The Exhibition from a curatorial standpoint.

The talk will offer an overview of the goals, themes, and highlights of the show. Dr. Cipolla will focus specifically on the ROM’s original content that explores Norse history in Canada.

Finally, he will discuss recent news coverage related to Viking archaeology, including the case of the female Viking warrior from Birka, Sweden.

Vikings: The Exhibition is on now,
closing April 2, 2018

We encourage all interested persons to attend Toronto Chapter meetings free of charge and invite you to become a member of the OAS and the Chapter. Bring a friend!

There will be a speaker, light refreshments, and time to socialize with other members.